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1 This cannot be equipped by this character.
2 Equipped by another Driver.
3 Level too low to unlock.
4 Already at maximum unlock level.
5 Insufficient WP to strengthen.
6 Insufficient SP to learn.
7 The lock is not yet released.
8 Skills must be acquired in order.
9 This weapon is already in use.
10 Cannot set item with same effect.
11 You cannot increase energy capacity any further.
12 Not enough ether crystals.
13 Not enough energy.
14 You need a technical manual to make this.
15 You cannot carry more items.
16 This cannot be set because you do not have the necessary expansion.
17 This part cannot be removed.
18 This is already set.
19 You do not have a Pouch Expansion Kit.
20 You cannot add any further pouches.
21 You do not have any Pouch items.
22 This item is already equipped.
23 You cannot set it in this mode.
24 You cannot set the same Pouch item twice.
25 You cannot equip unrefined Aux Cores.